Hi guys! I haven’t been on my blog for ages… sorry about that.
STAR WARS SPOILERS (no spoilers from The Force Awakens)
So who’s seen Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? I saw it on Dec 17 (the last day of school), and it was AWESOME
After that, I watched episodes IV, V, and VI (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi), and now I really like Star Wars Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
The last time I watched episodes I, II, and III (The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith), it was like 5 years ago, so I don’t remember it. But my brother and I got Star Wars game: Star Wars Lego. It was quite a bit of money, but it was worth it, because I now understand most of the story (although some parts were changed in the game) Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
Image may be NSFW.
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Image from here
There’s also a Star Wars summary song, that summarizes episodes I-VI in 99 seconds – Star Wars in 99 seconds, by Paint. Paint also did a Harry Potter in 99 seconds, so you can check that out as well.
Here are all the lyrics to Star Wars in 99 seconds (and me explaining it):
Long, long time ago, long time ago in a galaxy
Far in a galaxy, far far away (I think you guys know what that means)
Episode I: The Phantom Menace:
There once was a boy slave destined to save space (The boy slave is Anakin Skywalker)
He wins a big pod race and hits on a queen (Anakin wins a big pod race (basically a spaceship race) and hits on Queen Amidala)
Padme’s a cougar (Padme is Queen Amidala. Not sure about her being a cat?)
Qui gets killed by Darth Maul who is then chopped in half (Qui-Gon Jinn (Jedi knight, I think) gets killed by Darth Maul (Sith), then Darth Maul gets chopped in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi padawan)
Obi Wan must train the one from Tatooine (Obi-Wan must train Anakin to become a Jedi)
Episode II: Attack of the Clones:
It’s the clone age, sand people rampage
Mommy got flayed, strayed (Anakin’s mother died)
Ani’s bae is Padme (Anakin and Padme fall in love)
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith:
[Anakin vs. Obi Wan and Yoda versus Sidius and Grievous versus Obi Wan, you’re breaking my heart]
Anakin you are breaking my heart (Anakin turns evil, Padme says something like ‘Anakin, you’re breaking my heart’)
Order is made, Jedi are slain (Jedi are getting killed)
Kill all the baby tiny younglings (Since all the Jedi are pretty much dead, these little kids are getting trained to become Jedi, but they are all killed by Anakin)
Sid takes the throne, Long live the clones (I’m not sure who Sid is, but I know the good side gave all this power to Emperor Palpatine, who was pretending to be good but was actually bad)
Burn Ani, turn him to a robo (Obi-Wan goes to Anakin to try and convince him to turn good, Anakin begins fighting with Obi, and Obi-Wan beats Anakin, chops his legs, and Anakin falls in lava. The Emperor saves him, and gives him the Darth Vader suit and helmet)
Episode IV: A New Hope:
Leia hides plans, Vader chokes a man (Princess Leia gets captured and is stuck in the Death Star, and Darth Vader chokes somebody)
Alderaan’s gone and Han shoots first (The Empire (the bad guys) blow up the planet Alderaan, and Han shoots first (I’m not really sure how to explain it, but Han and Greedo both shot, but Han shot first and killed Greedo))
You’re my only hopie Obi Wan (Leia sends a hologram message thing to Obi-Wan (through R2D2), and asks him to save her from inside the Death Star, saying ‘You’re my only hope, Obi-Wan’)
Look, a small moon
That’s a space ship (On Leia’s rescue mission, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, and Obi-Wan go in the Millenium Falcon. They see the Death Star, and mistake it for a moon, when Obi realises it’s a spaceship)
Worshipfullness, walking carpet (Han and Leia were talking about something, and I think Han said something about worshipfullness. Leia says ‘Will someone get this walking carpet out of my way?’, referring to Chewie)
This princess better pay out
Use the force, Luke
Close your eyes and shoot (Luke uses the Force, and shoots, which blows up the Death Star, because Luke was supposed to use the aimer, but instead he used the Force)
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back:
Lando betrays Han and friends in the sky (Leia, Han, C3PO, and Chewie go to Cloud City, looking for Lando, who was Han’s old friend. Lando betrays them and hands them over to the Empire)
Skywalker flies, do or don’t, there’s no try (Luke and R2D2 travel to Dagobah, looking for the Jedi Master Yoda. They find Yoda, and during Luke’s training, Yoda says ‘Do. Or do not. There is no try.’)
Try the dark side
No! No, no! No!
Luke, I’m your daddykins (Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker reveals to Luke that he is Luke’s father)
Your mom was kissing Anakin
Han’s frozen (Han got frozen in carbonite)
I love you
I know (Right before Han got frozen, Leia says ‘I love you’, and Han replied ‘I know.’)
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi:
It’s father, son and daughter (Father is Vader, son is Luke, and daughter is Leia (Yoda/Ghost Obi reveals to Luke that Leia is Luke’s twin at the start of RotJ)
A dynasty united at last
The galaxy is free from evil
Thanks to the goodness in Darth from the past (The main bad guy, the Emperor, electrocutes Luke. Darth Vader saves Luke by picking up the Emperor and chucking him down a hole, killing the Emperor. Darth Vader dies, because he got so close to the Emperor’s electricity, and he takes off his helmet, so Luke can see his father’s face before he died)
Who are your favourite characters? My top 5 favourites are:
1. Rey (from TFA)
2. R2D2 (from most of the movies)
3 tied. Anakin Skywalker (from the first 3 movies (Anakin and Darth Vader are kind of different by the way))
3 tied. Leia (from A New Hope onwards)
5. Yoda (from most of the movies)
Comment your favourite characters from Star Wars, and may the Force be with you!