For the second week of the Student Blogging Challenge, I have decided to do Activity 4 – leave a quality comment on (at least) 4 other people’s blogs.
So, I decided to comment on the people I’m mentoring’s blogs, because that’s sort of my job and I didn’t get time last week to do that, so yeah…
Let’s go!
First, I went to Camillia’s blog. Here is the comment I left on her ‘About Me’ post:
Hi Camilla,
You look like you’ve had a great start to your blog! I like the widgets on the side
I like how you did an acrostic poem, it’s a good way to write about yourself!
Are these lots of different things you like?
Since you’re doing the Student Challenge, you should put this year’s badge on the side! Here’s a link to the Student Challenge blog, on the post that explains how to put the badge on your blog:
By the way, I’m your mentor for the challenge. If you have any questions about the challenge or blogging, you can either go to the Student Challenge website, or my website. Here’s the link to my website if you want to visit it:
Awesome start Camilla!
Next, I went to Claire’s blog. This is the comment I left on her ‘I am…’ post:
Hey Claire!
I like your blog theme and widgets!
Doing an acrostic poem of your name is a really cool way of describing yourself, especially how you did the poem with your traits – we have similar(ish) qualities!
What are your dogs’ names? I quite like dogs, but I’ve never had a pet before
I like maths as well!
Have you read the book series The Mortal Instruments? The show Shadowhunters is based off The Mortal Instruments. I’ve never seen any part of the Shadowhunters series, but I’ve read the entire book series. It’s a really good book series, so you might want to read it (if you don’t mind the fact that the book series are kind of inappropriate…)
You should get the Student Challenge 2016 badge! Here’s a link to the Student Challenge post about how to put it on your blog:
I’m your mentor for the challenge. You can come to my blog if you want to, or if you need help with anything:
Great work!
And also, did you make the picture of you? If you did, you should include how you made it
After Claire’s blog, I went to Emily’s blog, and left this comment on her ‘My Avatar’ post:
Hello Emily!
Looks like you’re going well on your blog!
Your avatar looks awesome! I like how you included your phone and a pizza box, since it’s one of the things that represents you. I play on my phone a lot, and I like pizza – like you!
You should try and include where you made this avatar
If you want to get this year’s Student Challenge badge, go to here:
I’m your mentor for the challenge, by the way – if you need help with blogging, you can either go to the Student Challenge website, or my website, which is here:
Good job Emily!
After Emily, I went to Emma’s blog. Here is the comment I left on her blog:
Hi Emma!
Your blog looks pretty cool!
Nice acrostic poem, even though your name is a bit short. I like how you added in those extra facts about you, though!
I like dancing too – what type of dance do you do? I do hip hop dancing
I also like playing 4 square with my friends, like you. I also like dogs (what are your dogs’ names?), and I have a younger sibling.
I think your attributes are similar to mine, too!
Did you put anything for the 2nd ‘M’? There’s nothing there, unless there is a glitch?
Next time, you should include where you made the picture of you! It’s pretty cool!
You should get the 2016 Student Challenge badge! Here is a link to the Student Challenge website, with the post on how to add the badge to your blog:
I’m your mentor for the challenge – if you need help with anything, you can go to the Student Challenge website, or my blog, which is here:
Great start to the challenge Emma!
Next, I went to Mason’s blog. I wasn’t able to copy my comment on Mason’s blog, but I did leave a comment on his ‘About me’ post
After Mason’s blog, I went to Max’s blog. and left this comment on his blog:
Hi Max,
Cool acrostic poem, although you may want to add a bit more information about yourself, as your name is a bit short
Did you add ‘X-mas’ in because you like Christmas?
Try and remember capital letters
Since you’re doing the Student Challenge, you may want to add this year’s badge as a widget to your blog. Here’s a link to the Student Challenge post explaining how to add the badge:
I’m your mentor for the challenge. If you want to, you can visit my blog here:
Good start to the challenge Max
Next, I went to Sawyer’s blog. Same thing as Mason: I couldn’t copy the comment I left, but I did leave a comment.
And after that, I went to Stephanie’s blog. Here’s the comment I left on her blog:
Hey Stephanie!
I love your blog header!
Your post about yourself is great!
I have 5 people in my family, and I play netball too! What position do you play? I play Wing Attack, sometimes Wing Defence
If you want to add this year’s Student Challenge badge as a widget, go here for instructions on how to add the badge to your blog:
I’m your mentor for the challenge. If you need or want to come to my blog, go here:
Great start to the challenge Stephanie!
Then I went to Tara’s blog. This is the comment I left on her blg:
Hi Tara,
I like your acrostic poem! You might want to add a bit more information about yourself, as your name is only 4 letters long
How does ‘Tornado’ explain you? Do you like tornadoes?
You may also want to get rid of some of the default things on your blog
I’m your mentor for the Student Challenge, so if you want or need to visit my blog for anything, go here:
Good start Tara
And, to conclude this challenge, I went to Toby’s blog. This is what I said to him:
Hey Toby!
I like your blog theme
Fantastic job on your avatar! It looks great!
Also, good job for including a link to where you made your avatar!
Since you are doing the Student Challenge, you can get this year’s badge and put it on the side of your blog! If you want a badge, go here for the post explaining how to put it on your blog:
For the challenge, I’m your mentor. If you want/need to go to my blog for anything, go here:
Nice start to the challenge Toby!
(That took way longer than I thought it would. I started this at like 6:30, and I’ve finished 2 hours later. Obviously I didn’t spend the entire 2 hours doing this, of course)