Time for my fourth silly sentences post! Today’s silly sentence post will be Gone style, so if you haven’t read Gone, either go away, or read the series, then come back. (Preferably the latter, because you get to read a great book series, and I get people coming to my blog. Everybody wins!)
Anyway, if you haven’t seen my other silly sentences posts and have no idea what this is, don’t worry! Click here for a link to my first silly sentences post, Percy Jackson silly sentences, for an example (oh, and while you’re at it, why don’t you go do the Percy Jackson silly sentences as well? Actually, it would be amazing if you could do all 4 of them ).
Spoilers if you haven’t read the entire Gone series (duh. Should think that’s a bit obvious, as this entire post is all about Gone, but whatever).
Go fill in the blanks, and please please PLEASE comment and tell me what your silly sentence is!
I _____ [First letter of your first name] _____ [Day of birth] with a/an _____ [Favourite colour] because _____ [What day it is currently]
First letter of your first name gap:
A-D: Kidnapped
E-H: Paid
I-L: Helped
M-P: Hit
Q-U: Killed
W-Z: Knocked out
Day of birth gap:
1: Penny the Illusion Icky-Person (I made that up, but seriously, Penny is an icky-person)
2: Dekka Talent the Gravity Girl (okay I just made up that nickname, but seriously, Dekka should go by ‘Gravity Girl’. It’s an awesome name)
3: Gaia (would her last name be Soren or Temple? She’s Caine’s daughter, and he goes by Soren, but his real last name is Temple, so what?)
4: Patrick (Lana’s dog)
5: Brianna the Breeze/Swift Girl (see, Brianna is the best, she has two nicknames! But in the end Brianna is ‘gone’. That was a terrible play on words and an insult to her memory. It’s so sad that BRIANNA, THE BEST CHARACTER, HAD TO DIE!!!!!!!
6: Astrid Ellison the Genius (in my opinion, Astrid was the best character, but then she quickly became all weird and stupid. Also then Brianna came along and got the ‘Best character in da house’ award)
7: Drake Merwin the Whip Hand
8: Connie Temple (Sam’s mother) (Oh right, also Caine’s mother)
9: Diana the Power-Sensor Person (again, I made that up)
10: Lana Arwen-Larzar the Healer
11: Caine Soren the Telekinetic…Tyrant (hey that actually works! I’m a genius at nicknames)
12: Orsay the Dream Girl (I made that up)
13: Gaiaphage the Darkness
14: Sam Temple the Bright Hands
15: Nerezza the Dream Girl’s assistant (I’m getting bored of writing this, but I made up that nickname as well)
16: Jill the Siren
17: Taylor the Teleporter (I’m guessing that you are getting tired of reading the words ‘I made that up’. Yes, I did make it up)
18: Zil the Human Crew leader
19: Edilio
20: Cigar the Guy-Who-Clawed-His-Eyes-Out-Because-Of-Stupid-Penny-The-Illusion-Icky-Person-And-Then-Got-Eaten-Alive-By-Creepy-Massive-Faceless-Black-Carnivorous-Worms-Called-Zekes (Cigar had it tough in the FAYZ. Sad, everything was normal for him when he worked as one of Quinn’s fishermen but then he accidently killed someone in self-defence, I think. Anyway, I made up the nickname)
21: Quinn the Fisherman
22: Duck Zhang the Floating-Dude (I made up that)
23: E.Z the First-Human-Bait-For-Zekes (sad…he was innocent. Oh yeah, I made up the nickname)
24: Brittney the Undead-Soldier (cool title… but I made it up)
25: Alex the Only-Adult-In-The-FAYZ-Who-Died-Shortly-After (his name was Alex, right? Anyway, I made up the title)
26: Orc the Stone-Man (Iron Man, Stone Man, there should be a Gold Man or something. I made up the nickname. I think I’ve said that like 300 times)
27: Howard the Stone-Man’s-Bestie ( I made that up. I think you figured that out already)
28: Computer Jack
29, 30, and 31: Peter Ellison the Boy-Who-Is-Normally-Known-As-Little-Pete-And-Is-Autistic (You guessed it. I made up the title)
Favourite colour gap:
Red: Crowbar
Orange: Baseball bat (the first thing I thought when I wrote down ‘baseball bat’ was ‘Peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat’ from the Peanut Butter Jelly Time song)
Yellow: Knife
Green: Rope
Blue: Pistol
Purple: Large stick
Pink: Water
Black: Book with teleporting cat stuck inside it
White: Food
Other: Stick with broken glass stuck to it
What day it is currently gap:
Mon: I felt like it
Tues: Otherwise Caine would have killed me
Wed: Penny persuaded me by giving me a candy-illusion
Thu: I thought it was the right thing to do
Fri: Gaia tricked me into doing it
Sat: I wanted to save my friends
Sun: I thought it would be funny
Please comment and tell me your silly sentence! I’ll give you a smiley face if you comment the silliest sentence! Oh, and next post will be another Daughter of Artemis post. It’s been a bit slow, because I don’t know what should happen next, plus I’m terrible at rhyming, and I need to do rhyming for prophecies.