Image from here. I chose an image of a closet because the prank that I’m explaining in this post was a prank including a closet
If you haven’t read my first post, I’ll try and explain everything in quickly: Me and Annabelle prank some people, last time I talked about when we tricked 2 victims into thinking there’s a massive poisonous snake in the forest, and I ended the post by saying that the prank I’m talking about includes a closet.
Remember that Annabelle and I are not Fred/George Weasley pranksters or Hermes kids pranksters.
No one commented and tried to guess the prank that Annabelle and I did that includes a closest Please try and guess! If you guess correctly or I like your guess, I’ll mention you in the next post!
So! To prepare for the prank, Annabelle hid a small ball or ring or something in her room. She placed it somewhere where she was sure no one would find it. Annabelle then jumped in the closet in her room, and pretended to be a jacket on a hanger
I invited Victim 1 in Annabelle’s room, and told them to find the ball. I then leaned against the closet, making my ‘There is totally nothing in the closet’ face. Obviously, I was acting guilty, trying to make them look in the closet. Victim 1 asked to look in the closet, and I said yes. Victim 1 opened the closet, and Annabelle popped out, yelling ‘BOO!’ Victim 1 didn’t even flinch.
We did the same with Victim 2, except that they took forever to look in the closet. I had to make it really obvious that I didn’t want them to look in the closet (when I wanted them to), because they looked everywhere except the closet. When the opened the closet, and Annabelle shouted ‘BOO!’, Victim 2 screamed really loudly and literally flew backwards onto Annabelle’s bed. Of course, this was a much more entertaining reaction that Victim 1, who didn’t have any reaction at all. Annabelle and I were cracking up so much, it’s quite a simple prank but it’s hilarious when you get a result like that.
Same was done with Victim 3, but thankfully they took the hint and looked in the closet. Victim 3 didn’t yell, but lurched backwards.
This is a pretty easy prank. All you need is a closet; a person who can stay still in a closet patiently and yell ‘BOO!’ loudly (that was Annabelle); a tiny thing that you can hide easily; a good hiding spot in the room that the closet is in; a person who can act guilty and try and bait the victims to look in the closet (that was me); and of course, victims. Unlike the first prank, they don’t need to be gullible. People who don’t fall for tricks can still be given a fright easily.
Next post, I’ll tell you about the time Annabelle and I did a prank that we didn’t intentionally planned; we made it up as we went. It includes a phone. Any guesses of what we did to our victims?